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Your Office: A Living, Breathing Space

contemporary-office-furniture_01--DONEYour office is where your team will spend their days making dreams come to life and creating a better world for the next generations. Your team is your most valuable asset. They’re what makes your company great. They’re what sets you apart from the competition and makes your clients come back again and again to you. They’re the people that make dreams come to life.

But is your office catering to all of their needs? Is it a place they want to flock to and don’t mind spending extra hours in—or is it a place they can’t wait to escape from and dread working in?

Your office is a living, breathing space that’s full of brilliant minds, exciting ideas, and the people that make your company great. It’s important to give them a space where they can feel comfortable, appreciated, cared for, and supported for years to come. Your office is the place where your company culture grows, so if you’re considering an office redesign, make sure you remember the following:

contemporary-office-furniture_11--DONEYour office is a second home.

If you’re seeking to redesign your office space, remember that your workplace needs to be a place that your team really enjoys coming to each day—not a place they’ll avoid at all cost. It’s important to create a comfortable, fun space that’s suitable for all types of personalities, work styles, and workday needs.

Do your team members love collaborating? Do you have employees who work better alone? Does your team need to take breaks throughout the day in order to get more work completed? No matter what their needs may be, you need to remember that your talent will spend the majority of their week in the office.

Consider adding comfortable ergonomic chairs to their desks. Change out their traditional cubicles for collaborative workspaces. Provide adjustable height desks for them. Create recreational spaces where they can have fun and connect with each other. Make sure your office personifies your company values, personality, and goals—and create a second home for your team.

17-conference-tables-03Your office is a place to nurture creativity.

The office is where your team will brainstorm, come up with ideas, and turn them into a reality. It’s the place where they’ll meet together and find ways to improve their work, collaborate, and share knowledge with each other. It’s a place where creativity needs to be nurtured and fostered—not hindered or squelched.

If you want to redesign your office, make sure you’re building a space that helps your talent strategize, get creative, and stay motivated. Consider adding collaborative workspaces throughout the office. These furniture suites allow your team to go from meeting to private work space in a matter of seconds—plus, they can stay virtually connected in comfort and style, as many of StrongProject’s collaboration furniture is IT-equipped.

Create entire rooms—or even entire floors—of your office that are dedicated to creativity and ideas. Your employees need to know that their ideas will be heard and taken into consideration. They need to know that their office is a place that encourages exploration, learning, and personal growth.

34-seating-02Your office is a community.

Your team needs to feel a sense of community in their office. If you want your team to stand behind your brand, get on board with your values, and truly take pride in the company they work for—they need to feel a sense of belonging, nurturing, and community every day. If you’re redesigning your office, you need to make sure that you’re creating a space that supports networking, group interaction, breaks, and fun activities.

Consider adding activity rooms or outdoor recreational spaces. Don’t have the square footage for such a big project? Create activity corners throughout your open floor plan. Add multipurpose tables throughout your office. Add lighting that supports the health of your team. Design kitchens so your team can create meals and connect with each other in new ways. Design custom office furniture that’s one-of-a-kind. With modern office furniture design, you can still mean business and build a space that’s fun and stylish.

The office is no longer just a building. If you’re thinking of redesigning yours, remember that your office is a living, breathing entity. It needs to be flexible. It needs to be multifunctional. It needs to be sustainable. It needs to meet the needs of your talent. It needs to keep your team happy, healthy, creative, and eager for the future.

To start creating your dream office space or your next design project, click here to try our Modern Office Design Tool.

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