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Do You Need Soft Seating in the Office?

collaborative lounge seating in a biophilic environment with natural light

Regardless of whether or not an office uses sit-stand or adjustable-height desks, a portion of an employee’s day involves sitting. From breakrooms to collaborative seating to wellness spaces, choosing the right seating can make or break an area. The modern office accommodates and supports its employees. Comfort, functionality, and usability should all remain a deciding factor in any seating solution. Soft seating is here to check those boxes.

Over the years, the modern office design has changed, and the utilitarian design has focused on completing tasks. However, the office has evolved into a more employee-centric environment. The evolution of recreation areas and collaborative spaces has given companies the ability to introduce creative and aesthetically pleasing solutions – enter soft seating to the office.

What is Soft Seating?


The term soft seating sounds pretty self-explanatory. However, it’s an entire category of seating. This broad category of furniture includes seating that is both comfortable and visually appealing. Soft seating creates an office environment that satisfies employee needs while giving employees a space they enjoy working in. Whether it’s the material used in the seating or how well the color scheme matches the rest of the office, it can influence the way employees work.

This type of seating is generally comfortable and collaborative seating. Often used in co-working spaces, the modular elements of soft seating are the perfect answer to a more casual and adaptive space. Soft seating extends beyond couches. Any form of comfortable lounge seating falls in this category. From ottomans to modern comfortable employee booths, soft seating encompasses comfort and aesthetics.

Why Soft Seating?


Soft seating transforms a space. Whether it’s to create a unique space or to give employees a different zone to work in, it adds a different element to the office. Incorporating lounge furniture into an office has its benefits. It doesn’t only provide comfort to employees. Lounge furniture can also lead to innovation, promote a sense of community, and support the new adaptive style of work. But how are all of these things a product of comfortable seating?


According to the Breakfast Leadership Network, soft seating can promote creative thinking. Physical relaxation plays a large part in our mental state. Because of this, reducing the time we spend in a rigid working environment can help limit physical and sensory distractions. The pain we often experience from sitting for prolonged periods of time and the hard surfaces of poorly designed task chairs can cloud our minds and limit our free thinking and cognitive abilities.


Creating collaborative spaces for employees encourages connection and interaction between one another. Companies with adaptive areas or designated zones for employees give them the ability to switch between work styles and tasks easily. These designated zones usually result in community areas. Using this type of seating in a collaborative space gives workers a space to work together, interact, and build connections they otherwise wouldn’t. This article from My Hub covers the importance of providing employees with the right spaces to encourage social connections in the office.


Comfort and the physical impact that furniture has on us majorly impact our productivity and efficiency. If it didn’t, ergonomics wouldn’t be at the forefront of office design. Moving away from home offices and other favorable working environments, employees are looking for that comfort. However, soft seating, occasional tables, and ottomans all contribute to that comfort that employees constantly seek. Comfort is a contributing factor to wellness and soft seating results in a comfortable office and a comfortable space.

What Does Soft Seating Look Like?


Like all furniture, the colorway, materials, and textures can change the way we see a space. However, there are many of options on the market and they all have their space in office design. Textiles are considered more and more in office design. The colors can impact our perception of the space. The texture of the material or upholstery can deter employees from using the seating. Oddly enough, the materials and upholstery we choose can also have a positive effect on the environment.

From soft fabrics to the smooth texture of leather, everyone has their preference. However, there’s much more that goes into material choice. The soft seating market is starting to use unique fabrics and materials. From fabrics made from recycled materials to PVC-free fabrics, options are available that can check all of the boxes.

Soft seating and lounge seating are also the perfect opportunity to include color in a space. Lounge seating is generally used in a casual environment. This makes it possible to design an area that reflects the company image or the employee’s needs. However, recently subtle natural tones have been incorporated into color choices to replicate the biophilic impact they have on us. However, it can also give a company the chance to reflect their brand. A fun bright environment that’s centered around connection might use bold, bright colors in these spaces. On the other hand, a company that prioritizes distraction-free work and mental wellness might use neutral colors in its design.

Is Soft Seating for You?


Whenever designing or redesigning an office, it’s always important to understand the employee’s needs. Seating is no different. The decision to build a collaborative space with soft seating really comes down to the scope of work and the company culture. It’s always important to have an area for employees to take a break from the monotony of the day. Whether this is a breakroom or a recreational space, soft seating gives employees the ability to relax, options for different working styles, and most importantly, an area they want to spend time in.

StrongProject offers a range of soft seating options. From office design to office redesign, there are many options for companies to choose from. Contact us today to find out how we can help you design a space that your employees want to be in!


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