Updated October 2022 Companies across the US and around the world have been seeking for years to entice top talent. In the wake of the Great Resignation, attracting talent and engaging…
employee productivity
Contemporary Office Furniture Ergonomic Furniture
Why is Ergonomic Office Furniture Important for Your Employees?
With one quick search online you can see that the choice of office chairs and desks is endless. But the selection of the right one can have an impact on the…
There are many ways to address the need for focus in the office. From stopping coworkers from looking over your back to reducing as much noise as possible, privacy does not…
The hybrid workplace model has been implemented for many reasons. Whether it was out of necessity due to COVID-19, energy conservation, or productivity, the hybrid model for working is becoming more…
Post-COVID Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
How Custom Cubicle Workstations Help in the Covid-19 Era
It has been difficult navigating the Covid-19 Era on all fronts. Effectively leaving offices empty and a big question mark next to future productivity. It has been necessary to make changes…
Updated April 2022 Employee wellness impacts job performance. This may seem obvious, however there are areas companies need to focus on to improve well-being. Many companies are saying their HR departments…
The decision to buy new office furniture is often put off over and over again. Many business owners look at their surroundings and see office furniture that still functions just fine.…
There is no doubt that working from home has helped many employees gain an improved work life. Remote or hybrid work comes with the benefits of reduced or no commutes. More…
Contemporary Office Furniture Modern Office Furniture What's Hot
Pull Up an Ergonomic Chair and Improve Your Posture
Updated December 2021 The office is a sedentary experience. With the exception of sleeping, it’s the only place where you are likely to be still for as many as 8 hours…
Updated October 2021 By now, we’ve all read that office happiness directly correlates to productivity. But, does everyone understand that if employees are physically uncomfortable, work will suffer while they shiver…