Modern office furniture embodies the very vision and personality of your company—and the modern reception desk is no exception. Every client, guest, and employee who walks through your office doors receives their first impression of your company from your reception area. Modern reception desks help you set the tone for what visitors can expect from your company. However, whether you value innovation and creativity, tradition and elegance, or forward-thinking and progress, the right modern reception desk creates the lasting impression…
Ergonomic Furniture
Activity Based Working Contemporary Office Furniture Ergonomic Furniture Modern Office Furniture Office Furniture Trends
5 Ways Modular Workstations Transform Your Office
Every office has a different formula for success. This is largely due to their industry, budget restrictions, and the office space they have to work with. However, the formula for a…
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends
Modern Workstations and the Science Behind Them
The modern workstation isn’t what it used to be. When we think of a traditional workstation, a plain single-function desk might come to mind. However, the modern workstation has become a…
Contemporary Office Furniture Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Los Angeles Office Furniture Office Design Trends
Office Vacancy and the Fall of the Traditional Office
Even four years out, we’re still talking about how the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has shaped the workplace. It changed our lifestyles. It changed the way we work. Most of all, it…
Articles and Trends Ergonomic Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips Post-COVID
Why Does the Hospitality Industry Continue to Grow?
The hospitality industry took a major hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hotels, restaurants, attractions, and many more subsets of the hospitality industry suffered from restrictions and full-blown shutdowns. On top of…
Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Los Angeles Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips
Do You Need Soft Seating in the Office?
Regardless of whether or not an office uses sit-stand or adjustable-height desks, a portion of an employee’s day involves sitting. From breakrooms to collaborative seating to wellness spaces, choosing the right…
Contemporary Office Furniture Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Intelligent Workplace Uncategorized
Redefining Workspaces: The Comprehensive Guide to Hybrid Workplace Design
While hybrid workplace design isn’t new, the concept might be new to many. The hybrid model provides the opportunity for companies and freedom for employees. A hybrid workplace design is the…
The idea of a hybrid call center might sound counterintuitive. It would seem that employees fielding inbound and outbound calls and handling operations might have to be centrally located, but the…
Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Office Design Trends Office Furniture Trends Return to Work
Are Work Resorts the Future of Work?
Since the pandemic, companies have struggled to bring employees back to the office. From adopting the hybrid model to creating experiences for employees to providing a setting that employees can’t replicate…
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Modern Office Furniture Return to Work
Studies show that Hybrid is here to Stay: Here are the Numbers
As major corporations grapple with the practical implications of the hybrid workplace, a growing realization is taking hold: the hybrid model could very well be here to stay. A recent Gallup…