Updated April 2024. Design office environments to fulfill the diverse tasks and responsibilities of your team. Some employees need a calm place to focus away from their desks and enter touchdown spaces. Others produce better in a collaborative workplace. Some team members may prefer to work in an employee lounge, while others still enjoy the privacy of a workstation or modern cubicle. As new technologies and innovative office designs are giving coworkers the freedom to work wherever it suits them…
Activity Based Working
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Modern Office Furniture Return to Work
Studies show that Hybrid is here to Stay: Here are the Numbers
As major corporations grapple with the practical implications of the hybrid workplace, a growing realization is taking hold: the hybrid model could very well be here to stay. A recent Gallup…
Activity Based Working hybrid office design Office Furniture Design Tips
5 Things that Can Help Gen Z Return to Work
As companies start to push return-to-work initiatives more and more, they’re moving into uncharted territory. Employees are starting to realize what they need for a better work-life balance. They are starting…
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Healthcare Furniture Modern Office Furniture
Staying Active with Modern Standing Desks
Employees spend a large part of their lives in the office. They wake up – go to the office. Take a lunch break – usually in the office. They leave in…
Updated December 2022 On average, we spend 90,000 hours in our waking lives working. Because of that where we spend that time matters for our overall health. Our environment shapes what…
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Post-COVID Return to Work
Why The Post-COVID Workplace Must Be Flexible
After a year and a half that required more flexibility than many of us suspected we possessed, the post-COVID workplace will need to be equally flexible when we return to work.…
Activity Based Working Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
How to Choose the Perfect Social Distancing Cubicle
Thanks to the innovative designs of modern office cubicles, your workplace comes to life, inspiring productivity, creativity, and safe collaboration throughout the day. We’ve gone from the simple felt-and-metal cubes of…
Activity Based Working Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
The Benefits of Curved Social Distancing Workstations
Not all office desks are created equal. It would be foolish to pretend otherwise, especially in a post-COVID workplace. When it comes to open office solutions, we’re all pausing to reassess…
Activity Based Working Articles and Trends Featured Products
Employers, Listen Up! Adjustable Height Desks Are Worth the Hype
If you banked on adjustable height desks being a millennial’s fad, you lost big. The sit-to-stand desk is not only here to stay, but the bang for the buck is multigenerational.…
Activity Based Working hybrid office design Office Furniture Trends
Make Your Office Walls Work For You
There’s an expression, “Throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks”. Some companies, in their effort to encourage, inspire, and engage their most creative minds, are taking this literally. This…