Activity Based Working hybrid office design Office Furniture Trends

Make Your Office Walls Work For You

company brand image being displayed on office walls in a collaborative space

There’s an expression, “Throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks”. Some companies, in their effort to encourage, inspire, and engage their most creative minds, are taking this literally. This is clear with the addition to their offices of digitally interactive idea office walls.

The idea is simple

digitally interactive office walls in a reception area

In the past, one person would stand on a whiteboard with a marker while their team offered ideas in a brainstorming session.

But what happens when the ideas are flowing so fast, that the person with the marker can’t keep up? Or can’t draw a graphic to fully express the possibilities being shared? Or do people talk over each other and something gets missed in the excitement? What about if the whiteboard doesn’t have enough room for all the innovation crackling to life? At the end of the meeting, how do they translate the information on the board to a medium? Where everyone can access it from their computers to begin execution.

This is where an interactive digital wall can save your creators from losing the thread of inspiration. Take the same scenario but with an interactive wall installed. The person with the pen falls behind while trying to write everything down. So, someone gets up from the table, grabs another pen, and fills in the gaps on the other side of the wall. Then, the resident artist grabs their sketchbook and the interactive wall’s specialized pen and begins sketching, bringing to life the images the team is speaking of. Not only does the drawing come to life on the paper, but it also appears on the wall as it comes into being. But someone’s handwriting, in the excitement, is difficult to read, so instead, they pick up a tablet and the writing converts to typewritten text.

The interactive wall has made a process that would have otherwise forced the team to slow down, stifling their creativity and dragging the process out for longer than necessary.

>> Get more use out of your plain office walls with sound-absorbing phone booths.

Extraordinary benefits

digitally interactive office walls in a modern collaborative training room

With room for up to 7 collaborators at a time, the digitally interactive wall can handle a rapid-fire brainstorming session with ease. Subsequently, a room full of people all have a vantage point to see what’s being created.

The interactive wall is compatible with a multitude of media:

  • Specialized pens to recreate what’s being written on paper on the wall’s surface
  • Digital connectivity to devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers
  • Projection capabilities so presentations can be displayed
  • The ability to save, email, or otherwise network other office workstations so the results of a meeting can be shared

With the means and method to communicate in a variety of ways, an interactive digital wall doesn’t slow your team down.

Office Walls are not Just for Business Purposes

branded reception desk in a customer service waiting room

When not in use, interactive digital walls display company branding. This proves to help raise the loyalty of your employees, who will better advocate for your brand. You can showcase your company’s products for visiting customers. Or you can use it to project decorative features to contribute to a well-designed office space. Universities use them for displaying recruitment materials, to showcase cutting-edge innovation of their brightest students, or to inform students of upcoming university events. At trade shows and expositions, companies find them useful in interacting with convention goers to bring new products to the market.

The enhancements brought by the inclusion of a digital wall are numerous. Communicating with one’s employees and target audience is critical for the success of any business. The interactive digital wall has the potential to be the most effective, lightning-fast, and groundbreaking means of sharing information we’ve seen in a long time. It can change the way we do business, and far more effectively than one idea at a time.


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