As companies start to push return-to-work initiatives more and more, they’re moving into uncharted territory. Employees are starting to realize what they need for a better work-life balance. They are starting…
Activity Based Working hybrid office design Office Furniture Design Tips
As companies continue to implement return-to-work initiatives, employees are realizing what’s important to them. Work-life balance, human interaction, and employee well-being are an important focus for those returning to work and…
Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips
5 Essential Elements for a Successful Office Layout
The layout of an office can play a large part in how successful, effective, and efficient employees are. It might not seem like where you place furniture, arrange workstations, or designate…
Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture
How to Furnish Your Office With Modern Furniture on Budget
We all wish we could have the newest, top-of-the-line furniture. However, this isn’t always an option. Most of the time companies have an office furniture budget that they have to consider.…
Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends
Office Layout Transitions: Going from Traditional to Modern
Moving into a new office space that has a stuffy, traditional design? Or maybe you’re dissatisfied with your current office design and looking for something more open and inviting. Whether you…
hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Uncategorized
5 Ways to Maximize Office Space
Space limits a lot of companies. A company’s office might be enough for them to work efficiently day-to-day, but if they have to work in a small space, they might need…
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Healthcare Furniture Modern Office Furniture
Staying Active with Modern Standing Desks
Employees spend a large part of their lives in the office. They wake up – go to the office. Take a lunch break – usually in the office. They leave in…
Consider how much time we spend at the office and the emphasis that many of us put on wellness. It’s no wonder that we expect more from our workplace design than…
Intelligent Workplace Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Trends
4 Strategies to Create an Intelligent Workplace
It might seem like an intelligent workplace is self-explanatory, but what does creating an intelligent workplace achieve? An intelligent workplace allows employees to work in a seamless and automated environment. As…
Looking for what’s new from NeoCon in 2024? Click here. NeoCon gives industry leaders the opportunity to share emerging trends. This year we saw the overarching theme of meeting employee needs.…