After a year and a half that required more flexibility than many of us suspected we possessed, the post-COVID workplace will need to be equally flexible when we return to work.…
adjustable height desks
Activity Based Working Ergonomic Furniture Post-COVID Return to Work
Articles and Trends Ergonomic Furniture Modern Office Furniture
Modern Office Furniture: All About Ergonomics
Updated February 12, 2021 The idea that modern office furniture should prevent stress or injury and promote efficiency by its very design is an old one. Fortunately, ergonomic office furniture remains…
Articles and Trends Office Furniture Design Tips Office Furniture Trends
Does Office Furniture Go Bad?
Updated December 30, 2020 Office furniture isn’t like spoiled milk in the refrigerator, but it’s not entirely unlike that futon you couldn’t live without after college. There’s a fashion element that…
Updated August 12, 2020 When it comes to your modern office, are you feeling claustrophobic and cluttered? Then it’s time to consider a minimalist approach to your office design. Minimalism doesn’t…
Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture What's Hot
Social Distancing in Your Company’s Conference and Training Rooms
One of the most integral parts of operating a successful business is bringing teams together to brainstorm big ideas. While Zoom meetings have allowed us to practice social distancing during the…
Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture What's Hot
Reimagining the Return to Work in Vibrant Color
“Color does not add a pleasant quality to design—it reinforces it.” – Pierre Bonnard For the next five minutes, let’s turn our attention to the future. It’s a new world where…
Office Furniture Trends Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
Will A Global Pandemic Finally Kill the Open Office?
When the world comes back to reality following the first pandemic of our generation, the novel coronavirus, none of us can predict what to expect. Not knowing is uncomfortable for those…
Whether you’re dealing with a small office space or your commercial office building is quickly reaching its capacity, incorporating “space hacks” into your modern office design can help quickly alleviate some…
Activity Based Working Articles and Trends Featured Products
Employers, Listen Up! Adjustable Height Desks Are Worth the Hype
If you banked on adjustable height desks being a millennial’s fad, you lost big. The sit-to-stand desk is not only here to stay, but the bang for the buck is multigenerational.…
Thriving employees are the backbone of every business, big or small. Employers have become increasingly invested in the health of their workers, and with good reason. The more conscientious and comprehensive…