“Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day…” —Peter Gibbons, Office Space If you remember a little movie called “Office Space,” you remember…
best practices for modern offices
Articles and Trends Featured Products Modern Office Furniture Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
Articles and Trends Office Furniture Design Tips Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
How Offices Will Change Dramatically After Covid-19
It’s safe to say most everything will change dramatically after covid-19, so why wouldn’t the office, too? Thankfully, it turns out we are much better at adapting to change than we…
Articles and Trends Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
The Ultimate Guide for Social Distancing Protective Screens
We never used to think about the amount of space we had in an office before. Now, we’ll never think about it the same way again. As offices prepare to return…
Over the last six months, the world of work has changed and patterns are beginning to emerge. The way we return to the office building, the way we use it, navigate…
Edited April 2020 Happy employees make successful companies, and successful companies make people money. But if it were that easy, we would be surrounded by smiling moneymakers. What we can do…
Office Furniture Trends Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
Will A Global Pandemic Finally Kill the Open Office?
When the world comes back to reality following the first pandemic of our generation, the novel coronavirus, none of us can predict what to expect. Not knowing is uncomfortable for those…
Edited March 2020 Whether you’re outfitting C-suite offices or filling the stable of workstations for your entire staff, the office chair and desk are the two most important pieces of furniture…
Activity Based Working Articles and Trends Featured Products
Employers, Listen Up! Adjustable Height Desks Are Worth the Hype
If you banked on adjustable height desks being a millennial’s fad, you lost big. The sit-to-stand desk is not only here to stay, but the bang for the buck is multigenerational.…
The Office Temperature Battleground Nina in building operations knows where the treasure is and has the keys to get to it. The plan is for her officemates to set up a…
As Featured on Inc. Magazine
Five Reasons Why More Companies Are Using Coworking In Addition to Their Traditional Office
Office design has experienced nothing short of a revolution in the last 20 years. Cubicle farms are becoming a thing of the past, and while not every idea has worked according…