It has been years since the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses shut down. Work was put on hold. The way we viewed the workplace changed. Five years later, we’re still feeling the impact. Companies discovered what was important, ways they could optimize workflow, and new approaches to the everyday. However, it didn’t have a positive impact on everyone. Many companies shut down for good. Others are still trying to re-establish themselves. It’s no surprise that companies are doing what they can to…
Over the last 18 months, many offices adapted to the government mandates by quickly shifting to a work-from-home model. Now, as the return to work seems to be finding a bit…
Contemporary Office Furniture hybrid office design
How Your Office Interior Design Can Help Improve Employee Retention
Employee retention is always a top concern for organizations. And it should be! The numbers speak for themselves. Companies lose 18% of their workforce to turnover each year. That is almost…
Updated May 2022 Being eco-friendly isn’t a fad like Beanie Babies, Napster, or Jelly shoes. It’s a movement to sustain the only planet we have. As more people take this responsibility…
Ongoing advances in technology are continuing to make centralized call centers the efficient and cost-effective choice in many industries. The layout and overall environment of your call center are playing a…
We have had a powerful reminder over the last year and a half of the value and importance of the office. The office is so much more than a building you…
Flashback to early March of 2020, or your organization pre-pandemic. Most companies would have said that their office was an essential part of their business. The 9-5, Monday-Friday office model was…
Office Furniture Trends Return to Work Social Distancing Furniture
Will A Global Pandemic Finally Kill the Open Office?
When the world comes back to reality following the first pandemic of our generation, the novel coronavirus, none of us can predict what to expect. Not knowing is uncomfortable for those…
Activity Based Working Articles and Trends Featured Products
Employers, Listen Up! Adjustable Height Desks Are Worth the Hype
If you banked on adjustable height desks being a millennial’s fad, you lost big. The sit-to-stand desk is not only here to stay, but the bang for the buck is multigenerational.…
The open office was once declared the solution to stagnating profits, slow product development, and the loss of talented workers. Cube farms were passé, and wide, sweeping rooms with nary a…