Let’s be honest, there’s a lot riding on your office design. Study after study in recent years show how employee productivity, satisfaction, and health are affected by their work environment. Then there…
best practices for modern offices
As Featured on Inc. Magazine Office Furniture Design Tips
Thriving employees are the backbone of every business, big or small. Employers have become increasingly invested in the health of their workers, and with good reason. The more conscientious and comprehensive…
When you want the DNA of your company infused throughout your office space, there’s no better way than through branding. Your brand is the visual manifestation of your purpose, what you…
Over at Inc. Magazine, StrongProject’s CEO Jeff Pochepan examines how offices—from startups to corporations to coworking models—are all suffering from the same privacy crisis. The culprit? Open office design. Read the…
Activity Based Working hybrid office design Office Furniture Trends
Make Your Office Walls Work For You
There’s an expression, “Throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks”. Some companies, in their effort to encourage, inspire, and engage their most creative minds, are taking this literally. This…
The focus of work for today’s employees is more different than ever before. With technology taking over more mundane tasks and analysis, the form the data we use in the workplace…
Most employees spend an average of eight hours per day day indoors. But over the years, modern offices and buildings have decreased the number of natural elements inside. Natural light, ventilation…
A company’s success is far more likely if they employ people who care about what they do and do what they care about. Fully engaged, happy employees are the benchmark of…
Articles and Trends Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips
The Three Most Common Avoidable Mistakes of Buying Office Furniture
Office furniture: it says so much about your company, from your philosophy to how you value your mission and employees, and even about your environmental awareness. Whether it helps your clients’…
Your team is what separates you from your competition. It’s important to keep your best talent happy, healthy, and well. This ensures they can perform at their highest level. Also, it…