Thriving employees are the backbone of every business, big or small. Employers have become increasingly invested in the health of their workers, and with good reason. The more conscientious and comprehensive…
designing for employees
The open office was once declared the solution to stagnating profits, slow product development, and the loss of talented workers. Cube farms were passé, and wide, sweeping rooms with nary a…
When you want the DNA of your company infused throughout your office space, there’s no better way than through branding. Your brand is the visual manifestation of your purpose, what you…
Over at Inc. Magazine, StrongProject’s CEO Jeff Pochepan examines how offices—from startups to corporations to coworking models—are all suffering from the same privacy crisis. The culprit? Open office design. Read the…
We all have different ways of expressing ourselves at work, the most obvious sign of which is how we accessorize our desks. You can tell a lot about your coworkers by…
As Featured on Inc. Magazine
Making Your Office Inconvenient For Employees Can Have These Surprising Positive Effects
We’re at an interesting crossroads in office design where many companies are looking for solutions that will help them work better. Some companies are designing their offices in order to work harder,…
Every business, big or small, has one goal: to serve their customers to the best of their ability. The conduit through which most employers do that is their employees, and in…
The focus of work for today’s employees is more different than ever before. With technology taking over more mundane tasks and analysis, the form the data we use in the workplace…
“What we do today might not be what we do tomorrow, so our employees have to move with what’s going in the organization.” WorkLogic HR is a powerful business offering comprehensive…