Your office is a reflection of you, your employees, and your company. As your employees and company evolve, so should your office. What might have been the ideal office 15 years…
Office Design Trends
hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips
hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Return to Work
What is the Alternative to Return-to-Work Initiatives?
The pandemic left its mark on how we work. Businesses have learned what they can adapt to and what they can’t. For many businesses, the transition to hybrid or remote models…
Contemporary Office Furniture hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Uncategorized
The Modern Cubicle to the Modular Workstation
The workplace is continuously evolving. From new business models to new technologies, for centuries we’ve seen major changes in how we work. Although the future of work has become the past,…
hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Uncategorized
The Modern Cubicle and Hot Desking
Did you know that the cubicle, initially introduced to offices in 1967 as Action Office II, aimed to enhance employee privacy and minimize distractions? However, nowadays, these partially enclosed workspaces are…
Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Trends
Your Office, Your Brand: Crafting a Workspace That Tells Your Story
Your company’s brand is a clear reflection of your company’s values, missions, and image. Companies find many ways to show their image, but there’s one chance that many companies are missing.…
Ergonomic Furniture hybrid office design Office Design Trends Office Furniture Trends Return to Work
Are Work Resorts the Future of Work?
Since the pandemic, companies have struggled to bring employees back to the office. From adopting the hybrid model to creating experiences for employees to providing a setting that employees can’t replicate…
Office Design Trends Office Furniture Design Tips
5 Essential Elements for a Successful Office Layout
The layout of an office can play a large part in how successful, effective, and efficient employees are. It might not seem like where you place furniture, arrange workstations, or designate…
Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends
Office Layout Transitions: Going from Traditional to Modern
Moving into a new office space that has a stuffy, traditional design? Or maybe you’re dissatisfied with your current office design and looking for something more open and inviting. Whether you…
hybrid office design Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Uncategorized
5 Ways to Maximize Office Space
Space limits a lot of companies. A company’s office might be enough for them to work efficiently day-to-day, but if they have to work in a small space, they might need…
Intelligent Workplace Modern Office Furniture Office Design Trends Office Furniture Trends
4 Strategies to Create an Intelligent Workplace
It might seem like an intelligent workplace explains itself, but what does creating a smart space achieve? An intelligent space lets workers work in a seamless and automated setting. As businesses…